In today’s saturated market, it’s more crucial than ever that your website has top-notch SEO. High search engine rankings drive traffic to your website — boosting sales and increasing public awareness of your brand. Schema markup and rich snippets are two of the most effective methods of ensuring your listing climbs to the top of a Google search.
What Is Schema Markup?

Google is incredibly smart; there’s no denying that. However, it still needs a little help to understand what each webpage is actually about. Schema markup is a form of metadata that helps google and other search engines to work out whether you’re a florist or a broker. It’s a way of structuring the data within your webpage’s HTML so search engines can read it as quickly as possible.

Additionally, when Google finds a webpage that includes language it understands, you’re able to give search engine users more information. This occurs in the shape of a rich snippet, with additional, eye-catching information to tempt that user onto your page and convert them into a paying customer.
How Do I Use Rich Snippets?

A Snippet is the snapshot of information that pops up on a Google SERP. They come in a variety of forms, from the most basic to a featured snippet. A featured snippet is one that appears at the very top of the page, displaying content directly from the website. Google forms a rich snippet from the data you provide within the schema markup in the HTML of your webpage. Rich snippets have a higher CTR than ordinary ones because they contain a picture and extra information.

Schema markup is a smart place to start when developing your company’s SEO. By adding a little bit of code into a webpage’s HTML, you can turn your listing into a rich snippet, appear higher on SERPs and reach more customers.